SDG 7 : Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy” aims to ensure access to reliable, sustainable, and sustainable energy sources while advancing energy-saving and renewable technologies. The goal of clean energy is to overcome the climate change and improving economic growth.
University Measures Towards Affordable and Clean Energy
Upgrade Existing Buildings to Higher Energy Efficiency
UNIMAS also implemented a project for energy efficiency by practicing the use of LED lights in several places in UNIMAS to reduce electricity consumption in UNIMAS. The following is a list of LED lighting projects at UNIMAS.
- Proposed Supply, Install, Testing And Commissioning Of Led Lighting For Chandelier At Bilik Kenyalang And Nilam, Detar Putra, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan
- Proposed Supply, Install, Testing And Commissioning Of Led Backlit 3d Signage, Detar Putra, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan
- Proposed Supply, Install, Testing And Commissioning Of Lighting Spare Parts At Faculty Of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan
- Proposed New Lighting Wiring Works At Faculty Of Economics And Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan
- Proposed Supply, Install, Testing And Commissioning Of Lighting Spare Parts At Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra (Detar), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan
- Proposed Supply, Install, Testing And Commissioning Of Led Lighting And Power Point At Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra (Detar), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan

UNIMAS has a system called Energy Management System which is supervised by the UNIMAS Development Office. The objectives of installation of energy meter were:
- Knowing the trend / pattern of energy consumption in each building that installed energy meter.
- Analyze and find opportunities to optimize the use of electricity.
- Implement measures to save electricity consumption.
- Monitor energy consumption more effectively.
These energy meters are installed in buildings that use high electricity and in buildings that have many and varied machines such as in MEP, FACA, FRST, Distribution Sub Station, CAIS, FMHS, FE FCSIT, DeTAR, Dahlia College and Alamanda College.
Energy and The Community
We offer community programs to educate the local community on the importance of energy efficiency and clean energy as well as fostering sustainability awareness. Among the programme that were organised in 2022 are :
- To strengthen the human capacities in university campuses’ sustainability and energy efficiency in Malaysia;
To develop a platform to promote and support a culture of sustainable HEI campuses in the Malaysian higher education system through the establishment of the MYSUN Network and the delivery of a pilot MOOC on sustainability in HEI campuses.

As part of the global community, during Vice Chancellor 2021 Mandate Program, UNIMAS is given attention on contribution towards the achievement of SDG 2030. The University agreed to establish the UNIMAS-UNESCO Knowledge for Change Hub or K4C which is a step in support of SDG 2030. The Knowledge for Change Consortium (K4C) is an initiative of the UNESCO Chair for Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. UNIMAS has also been selected as one of the pilot campuses among 200 universities in the world that will participate in the "The Little Book of Green Nudges" initiative organized by the United Nation Environment Program (UNEP). "The Little Book of Green Nudges" is a book that aims to inspire more than 200 million students worldwide to adopt greener lifestyles and help universities to raise awareness of students and staff towards "sustainable behaviours" through interventions. "Green nudges".