
SDG 2 : Zero Hunger

SDG 2: "Zero Hunger" seeks to eliminate hunger by assuring access to healthy food, enhancing food security, and developing sustainable agriculture and aquaculture, including sustainability matter.
University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)  takes steps to reduce food waste, supports students facing food insecurity, and provides a variety of healthy and affordable food options within campus. The university also educates and graduates students in fields related to agriculture and aquaculture, emphasizing sustainability. Outside the campus, UNIMAS shares knowledge with local farmers, hosts events to exchange ideas, and allows local producers access to its facilities to promote sustainable farming practices. Moreover, UNIMAS prioritizes buying food products from local and sustainable sources, contributing to the fight against hunger while supporting eco-friendly food systems.

Campus Food Waste

Campus food waste tracking

Student Hunger

Student food insecurity and hunger

We have implemented a comprehensive program to combat student food insecurity, ensuring that no student goes hungry on our campus. 

UNIMAS berpotensi hasilkan pakar atasi krisis bekalan makanan – Abang Johari

National Hunger

Access to food security knowledge

UNIMAS empower local farmers and food producers by sharing knowledge, skills, and technology related to food security, sustainable agriculture, and aquaculture. Several programmes were run in 2022 which includes :

Ceramah Asas Berkebun Bandar

Program Kebun Komuniti Lestari Masjid Al-Abyad, Taman Matang Jaya, Kuching dengan Kerjasama Bersama UNIMAS

Facebook Link

Poster for Ceramah Asas Berkebun Bandar


Other programme includes

1) Backyard Gardening : From Garden To Table Project under Lestari Fund,
2) E-service Learning In Plantation Crop Management under project under SULAM and
3) Freshwater Lobster Farming For Aquaculture Activities under Lestari Fund

All programmes are reported in UNIMAS Sustainability Report 2021/2022.