SDG 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” focuses on achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation services with sustainable management. The goals are to solve the lack of water, enhance water quality, and promote hygiene practices.
Water Usage and Care
We prioritize responsibility for the environment by implementing efficient wastewater treatment processes that ensure UNIMAS water discharge meets high environmental standards. One of the approach is for research to be translated into practices. Among the efforts that have been done in UNIMAS are :
The visit was joined by UWC and students of Civil Engineering, UNIMAS. Thank you to Mr Roy and Mr Ladi (JBALB Samarahan) for receiving the delegates from UWC to the treatment plant. The treatmant plant supplied and discharged about 0.65MLD for the close neighbourhood and local community. The visit has benefited the students on the process involved in treating water and appreciating the role of water treatment plants in ensuring public health.
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Water reuse
Understanding the importance of having a comprehensive policy in place to maximize water reuse across the campus, reducing water wastage and promoting sustainability; UNIMAS has put in place the need to establish a water reuse policy in Initiatives and Directions for SDG 6 in the UNIMAS Sustainability 2021 -2025 Masterplan.
Among other water policies that are adopted and use in UNIMAS are
Technical Standard For Use Of Reclaimed Water
Plant Landscape Minimize Water Use
Landscape at the university led to the planting of trees or plants that do not require the use of water and care. Mimusops elengi as the dominant species planted and they complied with the urban forest health status guideline, whereby a diverse tree population might slow or prevent the spread of insects or diseases, and in the event that such pests should become established, the impact on a diverse tree population may be less severe In Borneo there is a lot of rainfall and this also helps to revive existing crop.
Water in the community
UNIMAS also offer educational programme related to effective water management practices such as Master in Environmental Science (Land Use And Water Resource Management) under the Faculty of Resource Science and Technology (FRST).
Water Management Educational Material under the Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS
Among the courses that introduces water management as part of its curriculum are :
- Master in Environmental Science (Land Use and Water Resource Management)
- Master in Environmental Management (Development Planning)
The Faculty of Resource Science and Technology (FRST) and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) jointly offer a capacity building academic programme for the promotion of sustainable land use and natural resource management in Malaysia (SLUSE-M). This programme confers either a Master in Environmental Management (Development Planning) or Master in Environmental Science (Land Use and Water Resource Management). Master in Environmental Management (Development Planning) or MEMD is offered by FSSH while FRST offers Master in Environmental Science (Land Use and Water Resource Management) or MELW.
The programme is modeled on and implemented in parallel to a similar programme initiated by a Danish consortium of universities (SLUSE-D). SLUSE-M applies natural and social scientific theories and methodologies in developing interdisciplinary approaches to understand the problems and finding solutions related to sustainable use of natural resources. This capacity building initiative is realized through the improvement and integration of education, training and research involving students and academic staff of UNIMAS, in collaboration with other local and foreign universities and agencies.
SLUSE-M programme offers three main components as follows:
- Joint SLUSE module;
- Joint Experiential module; and
- Core module which would stream students into two possible majors of either MEMD or MELW