
SDG 15 : Life on Land

SDG 15 aims to protect, restore, sustainably manage terrestrial ecosystems and stopping the biodiversity loss. It focuses on preventing desertification, restoring degraded land, conserving forests, and safeguarding biodiversity.
UNIMAS  actively promotes the conservation of land ecosystems through education, fostering awareness and knowledge about the significance of these ecosystems within its community. UNIMAS goes beyond awareness and takes concrete actions to support land ecosystems, engaging in conservation efforts and research to protect terrestrial biodiversity and preserve natural habitats. 

Supporting land ecosystems through education

Events about sustainable use of land

UNIMAS supports the promotion of the conservation and sustainable utilization of land resources through awareness and education programmes.

1st Natural Resources Inaugural Lecture Series, (NARILES), 19 October 2022

The Natural Resources Inaugural Lecture Series (NARILES) is a platform for knowledge sharing as well as discussion sessions on issues concerning National Resources Management (NRM). This is also consistent with the University's goal of becoming a leading global university for a sustainable future

Supporting land ecosystems through action

Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of land (policy)

UNIMAS, championed by Institute of Biodiversity and Environment Conservation UNIMAS (IBEC)  is committed to the conservation, restoration, and sustainable ecosystem through research, events and policymaking.  One of the aims of IBEC is to aid as policy-making for conservation and management. 

IBEC BULLETIN September 2022

Land sensitive waste disposal

Water discharge guidelines and standards