
SDG 14 : Life Below Water

 SDG 14 “Life Below Water” aims to preserve and sustainably the use of marine resources for both the present and future generations. It is deal with the issues such as marine pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction.
UNIMAS  actively supports aquatic ecosystems through education by promoting awareness and knowledge about the importance of these ecosystems within campus and outside campus. UNIMAS goes beyond awareness and takes strong actions to support aquatic ecosystems, engaging in conservation efforts and research to protect marine life and biodiversity. UNIMAS also adopts water-sensitive waste disposal practices to prevent pollution and harm to aquatic environments, reflecting its dedication to responsible environmental stewardship. UNIMAS helping in maintaining local ecosystems, contributing to the preservation of regional biodiversity. 

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education

Community Outreach on Fresh-water ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Overfishing

Through community outreach, UNIMAS actively engage with local residents, organizations, and stakeholders to raise awareness, promote conservation efforts, and collaborate on initiatives that safeguard the health and sustainability of our freshwater environments. Apart from that, UNIMAS also engaged with the community in creating awareness on sustainable fisheries and overfishing. Among the programmes that have been organised by UNIMAS were :

List of Community Outreach organised by IBEC
Kembara Zoologi SK Tringgus under USR programe
SEMPENG: EcoAquamuniti

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action

Conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans (events)

UNIMAS actively supports and organizes events aimed at promoting the conservation and sustainable utilization of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and marine resources. Through these initiatives, we raise awareness and foster a sense of responsibility among our students and the community toward preserving these vital ecosystems.

Water sensitive waste disposal

Water discharge guidelines and standards

 Maintaining a local ecosystem

Minimizing alteration of aquatic ecosystems (plan)